Reasons Why We Should Help Others

Why should we help others? Why should we expend our time, energy, and resources in making others happy when that time, energy and resources can be so easily utilized for our own well-being?

Here’s why:

When you help others, you help yourself: a simple act of help and caring creates an endless ripple that eventually comes back to you – what goes around comes around.

There is more happiness in giving than receiving: doing good things for others boosts your self-respect and makes you feel the satisfaction that comes from giving.

It connects you with another person, at least for a moment, if not for life: it’s like passing on a little bit of yourself on to someone else, which creates a bond between you two.

It improves the life of another, at least a little: no matter how small your gesture, it makes a significant impact on the other person’s life in some way or the other.

By helping others, you are thanking God for the blessings bestowed upon you: when you help others, it gives you a chance to pause and reflect on the advantage you have on others, thanks to His blessings.

It sets an example for others, specially the younger generation: children imitate their elders, and if they witness their elders doing good, they will do the same.

And finally, if that kindness is passed on, it can multiply, and multipy, and multiply some more, until the world is a happier place for everyone.

MamooInPakistan, for these very reasons, strives to reach out to any and every one who is need of assistance, whatever that may be.

Because at MamooInPakistan, we aspire to spread love, happiness, and smiles.

At MamooInPakistan, we seek to make lives easier, one small step at a time.














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