23rd March – Resolution Day

23rd March 1940 carries a significant importance in life of every Muslim. It was the day when the idea of independent homeland for Muslim was laid in which they can lead their lives according to the teachings of Islam; follow their own culture, traditions and their very way of life independently.


As Quaid-e-Azam, made this historic speech on this day, “Muslims are a nation according to any definition of nation. We wish our people to develop to the fullest spiritual, cultural, economic, social and political life in a way that we think best and in consonance with our own ideals and according to the genius of our people”

After such strong words; untiring efforts and soil turning red our ancestors managed to pull off a homeland which we can call “Pakistan” today. But pity, only to become slave of the western world once again. Pakistan was declared as a Muslim state only again to follow the British Constitution as their law; only to know that everything is practiced in this state but Islam.

However, In Pakistan when common man is triggered by so many social problems, facing the crucial financial crisis but in this situation also, he celebrates the resolution day; putting all his problems and calamities at bay which he is facing in Pakistan with the feeling of patriotism, joy and love for our dear homeland and hope that one day Pakistan will gain its long lost identity in the international world.


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