Marriage; first on the paper then in the hall does it all

A facebook friend request was sent, pictures were exchanged, followed by the numbers, then they decided to meet, and the arrow of the cupid struck and love blanketed them both; then sparked an impermissible rush of desire of meeting but came crawling the fear of “What would people think; what if the police ask for a marriage certificate?” all the questions that required solid answers made them tie a knot. They took help of for getting their Nikkah nama made to avoid any misfortune.


However, unlike Adam and Eve, they didn’t have the luxury to be living in matrimony without a legal document which further makes it more knotty with the process of “Attestation” which has always been a significant aspect for validating the authenticity of their Nikkah nama or Marriage Certificate just so their legal bond could weigh more. And then again, their safest bet was which saved them from all the hassle. As Mamooinpakistan is the service that has eased their legal life, it provide its services in 140 cities of Pakistan.

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When they decided to move abroad as a family and (or) wanted a visa again they had to go through the perplexed scenario of attestation from MOFA (Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Pakistan) And Embassy in Pakistan. Yet again, came in the picture and untangled their problem that was as big as the ageing in Hollywood.


MIP is very unique service as it has its services channelized as per custom tailored requirements of every industry. So, if it pertaining to weddings it goes as per the marriage certificate attestation protocols and standards.

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